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Top 10 safest countries to visit in the world 2018

Written by: Russell Wallace | Travel Insurance Expert
Last updated: 19 December 2018 | Created: 19 December 2018
Top 10 safest countries to visit in the world 2018: landmarks around the world travel banner

Top 10 safest countries to visit in the world 2018: landmarks around the world travel banner

Safety is a number one priority for us on holiday. 

Or at least it should be!

You might think that staying close to home in Europe is the answer, but research shows that hasn’t always been the case recently…

Read on to find out which destinations made the list of top 10 safest countries to visit in the world during 2018, and start planning holidays in 2019 with real peace of mind.

Explore Asia

Anyone who has ever visited Japan knows how safe it is, so it’s no surprise that Tokyo is ranked as the safest city in the world according to the World Economic Forum, with Osaka just behind in third place (As you would be visiting a metropolis of over nine million people, you’ll still have to be alert for petty crime such as bag snatching and take precautions.)

According to the Global Law and Order Report, compiled by U.S. based researcher Gallup, Singapore is their safest destination in the world. This data is based on responses from citizens themselves – so you might consider this result more reliable than the World Economic Forum’s choice. Visitors to Singapore will also immediately notice that it is also one of the cleanest cities on the planet, due to strict littering laws.

Hong Kong is another Asian city also on the Global Law and Order Report, ranked the fifth safest. This ranking is supported by its position on the World Economic Forum’s list of safest destinations too. In films, Hong Kong is often depicted as a dangerous city; but in reality, the biggest concern for tourists could be staying dry during typhoon season between May and November!

The first possible surprise to you on our list comes from Uzbekistan’s appearance. The central Asian country is ranked joint fifth in the Global Law and Order Report, ahead of much of western Europe. This huge country remains little-visited but was previously at the heart of the ancient Silk Road trading route between China and Europe.

Top 10 safest countries to visit in the world 2018: Mount Fuji, Tokyo, Japan skyline
Tokyo, Japan

Adventures through the Americas

Stories of crime-ridden cities across the continent have made many considering a holiday to South America a little concerned about safety. And yet…

Chile is the safest country in the region and, according to the World Economic Forum, the country is actually safer than most of Europe! However, visitors should be vigilant in cities where pickpocketing is rife. That said, there’s so much to do in Chile. Whether you wish to trek through the Andes in the north, sample some of the world’s finest wines in the heart of the country, or discover gigantic glaciers at the southern tip of the continent.

Ecuador may not immediately spring to mind for UK holidaymakers but it is perfect for nature lovers. And importantly, it’s also one of the safest countries in South America; in fact, it is about as safe as the U.S., according to the Global Peace Index.  As with all cities, visitors should still ensure they have their belongings with them at all times. And anyone considering mountain or glacier trekking should also travel in groups in case of any accidents.

According to the World Economic Forum, Costa Rica is ranked safer than both Italy and the U.K., and level with France. This tropical paradise has long attracted adventurous nature lovers; the country is home to around 6% of all plant and animal species on the planet! If you’re looking for a classic beach holiday however, with its selection of stunning beaches and luxurious resorts, the coastal regions of Costa Rica are ideal.

Top 10 safest countries to visit in the world 2018: Zip wiring in Costa Rica tropical jungle
Tropical jungle, Costa Rica

European mini breaks

Of course, there are still plenty of safe holiday destinations closer to home too.

Iceland has been ranked top of the Global Peace Index, as well as third in the Global Law and Order Report. Here, the biggest dangers come from the natural world, so it is important to be careful and to travel in a group if exploring the glaciers.

Reykjavik is regularly named as one of the top 10 safest cities in the world, whilst Finland has been voted top of the World Happiness Report by the United Nations and the world’s safest country by the World Economic Forum. The country is most famous as the home of the stunning Northern Lights, an atmospheric and hugely romantic natural wonder that everyone must experience.

Portugal is already a popular holiday destination amongst Brits, but did you know that it’s also one of the safest countries in the world? The Iberian country was ranked fourth in the Global Peace Index, above  Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany and Japan.

Top 10 safest countries to visit in the world 2018: young woman bathing in hot springs in Iceland
Hot springs, Iceland

We hope this list has been helpful.

Though whichever country you’re travelling to, remember comprehensive travel insurance can help cover you for the unexpected.