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New visa waiver program for UK travellers heading to Europe in 2024

Written by: Russell Wallace | Travel Insurance Expert
Last updated: 14 May 2024 | Created: 7 December 2022
Picture shows mature couple walking arm in arm through a warm, sunny European city, smiling broadly.

Starting in 2024, UK travellers will need to pay an extra £6 if they plan to travel within the Schengen area. The European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) will be in place around this time next year.

The automated system has been created to make crossing borders within the Schengen area easier for everyone while also helping keep them secure.

The only change that travellers should see would be the need to apply for a visa waiver online and pay around £6. The process is similar to the US visa waiver, which has been in place for several years.

The ETIAS waiver applies to visitors to the Schengen area for trips of up to 90 days. As the UK falls outside of this zone, the system will apply to UK travellers once it is in place.

While the system is not due to start for another year, it is important to bear in mind when planning future trips to Europe.

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‘Author notes

Written by Russell Wallace, Copywriter at AllClear
Edited by Letitia Smith, M.Sc. Content Manager at AllClear’