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Information for policyholders – Hurricane Maria

Written by: Letitia Smith | Travel Insurance Expert
Last updated: 3 May 2024 | Created: 19 September 2017

Last updated on May 3rd, 2024 at 02:24 pm

For policyholders of AllClear Gold, Gold Plus – or Traveller policyholders ( bought after the 1st November 2016)

The following information about your cover has been provided by the Underwriter Mapfre

Hurricane Maria is the second largest ever recorded. This event, therefore, falls under the definition of a Natural disaster. However, if you have not included the optional extra of Travel disruption (which includes natural disaster cover), you can still claim under Delayed departure / Travel delay, as this is adverse weather – though please note you can only claim under one section.

As each policy wording differs slightly, please refer to your own to check the specifics of cover, but in general, the following outlines the cover provided.

Travel delay

Hurricane Maria is deemed to be an adverse weather event so the usual Travel delay benefits and terms apply. However, please note that we do not cover Arrival delay – only Departure delay.


If the delay in departing from the UK exceeds 12 hours/24 hours – as specified in the policy wording – then unused travel and accommodation costs – which cannot be reimbursed from other sources – will be refundable.

Please note, with regards to travelling to UK departure points, please check in to ensure your claim for Travel delay or Abandonment will be valid.


There is no specific cover for Cancellation as claims would fall under the Trip Abandonment section instead.

Accommodation cover 

This cover is ONLY included if you have bought the optional extra of Travel disruption. When you have this cover, and need to move to a different area to continue your trip,  please refer to this section of cover when making a claim.  Please note this cover does not include you travelling home earlier than planned. It only applies to you moving to new accommodation to continue with your trip.


There is no cover under this section of your policy.

All of the above terms apply if you purchased your policy on or before the 18th September 2017

If you have purchased your policy from the 18th September 2017 onwards (when Hurricane Maria became publicly known via the media), the event would be deemed to be a known event – so no cover will be in place.

If you are stuck overseas and unable to return to the UK…

Your existing policy will automatically extend cover, until such time as you are reasonably able to return home.

If you are still in the UK, and have not yet travelled, the following rules apply…

  • Where possible, a full refund should be sought from your tour operator and / or travel agent. Only non-refundable expenses will be considered should you make a claim.
  • If you wish to rearrange your trip dates, providing you are not making any claim under Abandonment, we can allow the cover dates to be transferred to a new trip; provided the new trip is within 3 months of the original departure date, and is for the same (or no longer) duration, and is to the same geographical area.

If you have any requests which fall outside of the above guidelines, please let us know, and we will refer the enquiry to the Underwriter for consideration.

If you need to make a claim please contact the Claims Department using the telephone number provided in your policy booklet. You can get a claims form from Mapfre’s website.

For AllClear Traveller policies purchased before 1st November 2016

The following information about your cover has been provided by the Underwriter TIF

Please use this link to view the cover available to you: TIF Hurricane Maria news