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Inspirational Travel stories: Sally Stuart

Written by: Russell Wallace | Travel Insurance Expert
Last updated: 15 May 2024 | Created: 17 October 2023
Sally enjoys her holiday with AllClear Travel Insurance..

When Sally Stuart had completed her treatment for cancer, she wasn’t sure if she’d even be able to get Travel Insurance  anymore. Luckily she contacted AllClear Travel Insurance.

Sally shares her story

“At the time of my last trip I was hunting around multiple travel insurers to try and find affordable cover as I’d just had cancer treatment and wanted to see whether this was even an option for me. AllClear were brilliant in helping me pick which plan worked best for my medical conditions. They were patient whilst taking me through all the different options, despite my previous conditions having the potential to make the whole situation rather stressful.

“I heard of AllClear through friends and had hoped that they would be the right insurer for me seeing as they seemed to specialize in covering people with pre-existing medical conditions, where other companies might turn you away.

“The fact that I could talk to a real person rather than filling out endless online forms – just to be told I couldn’t be covered – was what really set AllClear apart from the others I had tried. They were very helpful and filled me with confidence that if something were to go wrong whilst I was away, it would be dealt with quickly and efficiently and that I would be in good hands.

“After my cancer treatment I wanted to make sure I had complete peace of mind whilst travelling and taking out insurance with AllClear has meant that I’m going away without having to worry whether my insurance will cover various things as the policy was clear and comprehensive.”